#Thriver Walk: How can yoga heal?

How can yoga be healing? Did you know that yoga practice is one researched strategy for reducing the impact of trauma from sexual violence? SARCC has offered a number of […]

How can yoga be healing?

Did you know that yoga practice is one researched strategy for reducing the impact of trauma from sexual violence? SARCC has offered a number of programs and groups that incorporated a Trauma-informed Yoga practice. This includes paying attention to things like room set-up, the language used to describe positions or poses, and the clear effort to invite choice into a yoga practice.

Many survivors experience a sense of being disconnected from their bodies after sexual violence. They may feel that their bodies are to blame for what happened, or feel angry because their body froze during an assault. A trauma-informed yoga practice helps survivors to explore mind-body connections in a meaningful way. Learn more about the practice from this recent blog post.

Do you think think might be a practice that could help you in your healing journey? Do you know someone who is certified in trauma-informed yoga and would like to share their skill with survivors in the community? Contact us at info@sarccschuylkill.org to talk about ways to bring yoga practice into our communities!

#Thriver Walk Week 6

This week’s #Thriver Walk challenge is to practice a different form of healthy activity. Exercise is a great way to connect your mind, heart, and body. There are also ways to practice mind-body connections that require no steps at all! Today’s challenge is to practice a breathing or mindfulness activity. Check out this post from PBS Kids that takes you through some belly breathing exercises.

Looking for a concrete way to explain deep breathing? Try this:

  • 1. Hold up one finger before your face.
  • 2. Pretend that it is a candle.
  • 3. Practice “Blowing out the candle” 5 times.
  • 4. Think about how you feel after blowing out the candle.

Be a #Thriver!

Are you ready to make our community a safer place? Say NO MORE to sexual assault, and build a safer community by raising funds to support services for survivors and prevention work in our community! Survivors will hear you when you say that you’re committed to making the community a safer place.

Download the #ThriverWalk Activity Guide or attend our In-Person Event at Summer Fest to learn more.

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