Dear friends of SARCC,
Survivors of sexual violence NEVER choose to be in this position. They CAN choose how they heal from it. When they choose to work with SARCC on their healing, survivors of sexual violence get a partner who believes their story, sees their strength, and works together with them to find the path to healing.
Can SARCC help? Yes!
SARCC offers:
- counseling
- groups
- trauma-therapy
- advocacy
- accompaniment
- prevention programs
All at no cost for survivors of all ages, genders, and backgrounds.
Here are a few quotes from those we have served:
“I came to SARCC at the recommendation of my doctor after experiencing continuing sexual harassment at work, which caused me to resign from my job. My counselor at SARCC has been the only reason I get up in the morning understanding the experience I went through. I was reluctant to start counseling since I never did it and didn’t believe it would help me. It did. I encourage anyone who has or is experiencing any type of sexual harassment to see a counselor at SARCC to help them start a new, healthier life.”
“I reached out to SARCC for help in preparing the victim to testify at the preliminary hearing as the victim is experiencing high levels of trauma. The SARCC Advocate has consulted with me several times and even made the trip to our county yesterday to assist the victim at the hearing. It is my belief that the victim would have been unable to testify without the support of SARCC. The victim began to dissociate prior to the hearing. The advocate jumped in, got her re-grounded, and she successfully testified.”
“My daughter was assaulted by someone she trusted. SARCC helped her through the trauma and helped her to maintain her confidence and a strong sense of self. They were instrumental in helping us through this very difficult time. “
Please make a gift to support these Voices of Healing, and all local survivors, giving them access to no-cost healing services and support from SARCC. Thank you for sharing our mission to prevent sexual violence and promote healing in Lebanon and Schuylkill Counties.
Ali Perrotto, SARCC CEO
Download the Voices of Healing Letter
Download the #GivingTuesday Toolkit