How can art impact healing?
Pictured below is an image from one of SARCC’s Cultivating Strength Groups. We just these groups in prison settings, and out in the community. There is a strong connection between past trauma and incarceration. When our counselors developed the group, they wanted to pull together opportunities for healing and creativity with information about trauma and resilience. We found out that survivors who participated in the group made major progress in their healing journeys. Some quotes from participants in the groups included: “We aren’t what happened to us, we aren’t where we are, we’re only who we choose to become.””[I will] Use the coping skills; set boundaries no matter what; the ugly in my past doesn’t define my beauty today. “To learn more about art in the healing journey, check out the amazing “Art Against Assault” project, and the impact it has. Call our counselors to learn more about upcoming healing arts opportunities.
#Thriver Walk Week 4 Challenge

Today is Day 4 of our #Thriver Walk Challenge. Today’s challenge is to take a piece of chalk with you on your walk. Find a spot to write an encouraging message or draw of picture. So often, we don’t know who our words, actions, and messages will impact. Survivors of sexual violence often come forward to share their stories when they see that they have a community that will believe and support them.
Examples of messages you can write while you are on your walk include:
- You are strong.
- Each day is a new day.
- You are loved.
- Someone who walks here cares about you.
- #Believe Survivors.
- Say NO MORE to sexual violence!
Or, come up with your own message. You know your community the best, and your words will make a difference.
Support a #Survivor
No one chooses sexual violence, but they can choose how they heal from it. You can be a support person in a survivor’s healing journey. It’s ok to acknowledge that this is a challenging time. You can say, “I know this is hard. I also know that healing is possible. I can be here for you.”
Download the #ThriverWalk Activity Guide or attend our In-Person Event at Summer Fest to learn more.