Back to school time is right around the corner and SARCC is getting ready to do proactive outreach to our school districts in both Lebanon and Schuylkill counties. As you can imagine, juggling a child or a teens sexual trauma and healing services in addition to the normal hustle and bustle of the school year could be quite a challenge for many families.
For this reason, SARCC offers several in-school services for children and teens. These services range from advocacy and crisis response to trauma therapy to groups to prevention education for both students and staff.
One of the new ways we are seeking to better serve our school districts by providing the opportunity for targeted prevention education support groups were at risk students or students who have disclosed past trauma or abuse. Our sexual assault counselors and therapists are able to travel to schools to meet with students if that is the most convenient way for their families to pursue sexual assault services.
In some cases a teacher or guidance counselor who has just received a disclosure may want to contact our hotline to speak with a sexual assault counselor or to request that someone come out and provide support to a student on site.
All of these options are open to students in our communities. If you have a personal connection to a school district and can help us to spread the word about these available services, please take a moment to share the attach school outreach tool.
One of the primary goals of SARCC services is to reach sexual assault survivors where they are at. About a third of the survivors we serve on an annual basis are children. Help us to connect them with healing support and services through your connections.