What is Sexual Harassment?
Our #Thriver Walk learning challenge for today is to explore the nature of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment takes many forms and happens in many places in our community. Later this week, we will unpack Street Harassment, which is one place where is happens. Sexual harassment can also occur in work places, schools, or community activity spaces. Sexual Harassment is a form of sexual violence that can include a range of behaviors, from harassing words about a person’s body, gender, or sexuality, to unwanted touching or intimidation, to emails, texts, or images posted of a sexual nature, to unwanted sexual advances.
To learn more about the nature of sexual harassment in the workplace, check out these resources of the EEOC. The most important thing to remember is that everyone deserve to feel safe at work. Harassment is not just something to expect on the job. it’s up to both employers and workers to create a culture to says NO MORE to sexual harassment in the workplace. Contact SARCC to request a program on sexual harassment and learn about what you can do to prevent it.
#Thriver Walk Week 3 Challenge

Today’s #Thriver Walk Challenge is to take a #Braver walk. Survivors are brave! The courage to survive, heal, and thrive after sexual violence can move mountains. To celebrate this BRAVE work, we challenge you to take a walk today that makes you feel BRAVE!
Decide to take that huge hill, find a new trail that you have not been down before, or walk a little further than you normally would. To be brave enough to do the hard thing before you always begins with the first step!
Did you know that our counselors are available through our hotline 24 hours, because we know that the courage to take the first healing step is not something that can be scheduled. Call us any time at 717-272-5308 or 570-628-2965 to connect.
Be #Braver
Not sure what you can say to help a survivor? You can remind them that it takes courage to talk about sexual assault and healing. You can say, “It takes courage to talk about it. Thank you for trusting me. I think you’re brave.”
Download the #ThriverWalk Activity Guide or attend our In-Person Event at Summer Fest to learn more.