How are Children Impacted?
Today’s learning challenge is to understand the impacts of sexual violence on children. Age is a risk factor for victimization. The majority of sexual violence survivors will experience it for the first time before the age of 18. Most male survivors will experience it for the first time before the age of 10.
The trauma of sexual violence is real. It’s important to understand the impact on children. Learn more through the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Also know that childhood trauma is not a closed door. Children have a great capacity for healing. Children are resilient. Adults can play a big part in that resiliency.
You can Contact SARCC to request a prevention program for parents and caregivers, or for professionals. Your learning can prevent trauma and promote resilience in our community. Email us to request more information on local programs.
#Thriver Walk Week 2 Challenge

Today is #Striver Day on our #Thriver Walk Challenge. Often on the healing journey, taking the first step is the hardest. We know that each journey will be different. Survivors will face bumps in the road, or have setbacks. Having the courage to get started and keep moving is a victory!
Survivors are not alone on their healing journeys. Even if the path before you today is a hard one, or if today feels harder than yesterday, know that we believe in you. Your community supports you and has tools to help you through. Our Week 2 #Thriver Walk Challenge is to walk a harder path than usual. Take that big hill. Walk a block further. Take the long way. Remember that every journey starts with the first step. Take a photo, share your steps, and let us know how your #Striver walk went today.
Be a #Striver
If a survivor talks to you about aspects of their victimization or asks questions about their healing, and you are feeling unsure – it’s OK! You can still listen, and provide support by offering to find our the answers together.
Download the #ThriverWalk Activity Guide or attend our In-Person Event at Summer Fest to learn more.