October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. First, we want to take a moment to honor the local organizations that have missions dedicated to serving survivors of domestic violence. Schuylkill Hope Center serves the survivors in Schuylkill county and Domestic Violence Intervention serves the survivors in Lebanon county. sexual assault, abuse, and harassment share many common risk factors with intimate partner violence, these two forms of victimization are unique, and our community members who survive intimate partner violence, have very specific needs to assist in their healing from this form of harm.
There are times when a person experiences, both sexual violence and domestic violence in a relationship. Sexual assault, abuse, and harassment can be used as a tool of intimate partner violence. At the same time, people who have a past history of sexual assault, may be at higher risk for experiencing intimate partner violence later in life.
In honor of DVAM, let’s take a deeper dive into one form of intimate partner sexual violence. Reproductive coercion relates to tactics and strategies that one partner will use to influence or manipulate reproductive care for their partner. This can include birth control tampering, coercion to engage in sexual activity without protection or birth control, or pressure control, and violence related to pregnancy or childbirth.
As you know if you’ve ever attended a prevention education session with Miss Clarissa in Schuylkill county, SARCC loves consent. This includes consent in relationships, friendships, and an intimate situations. When a partner chooses to use strategies of reproductive control, they are removing consent from the equation. If you or someone you know, has experienced reproductive control, or or questioning some things that have happened in your relationships in the past, know that you are not alone and figuring this out. Whether you call SARCC or feel more comfortable contacting a domestic violence advocate, no, you have the right to healing and informed decision-making.