SArccitude pumpkinIn November, we celebrate moments of SARCCITUDE.

SARCCitude =
A positive mindset where one feels appreciative and inspired to return kindness to someone who works at, for, or with SARCC.

All through the month of November we will take a few moments of grateful reflection for some of the people, organizations, and systems that make it possible for SARCC to achieve its mission of preventing sexual violence and promoting healing for those impacted.

Over 40 years ago, a group of dedicated local women established SARCC with the goal of providing 24-hour hotline support, crisis counseling, accompaniment to legal and medical settings, and advocacy for survivors of sexual assault, rape, abuse, and harassment. In 2009, we expanded to serve this mission in Schuylkill county. Since then, our nonprofit volunteer board has invited the insight, guidance, and financial support to keep this mission alive. To put it into perspective, that’s over 480,000 hours of support for survivors with no breaks.

Today, we have a dedicated staff of 13 full-time employees, 6 on-call advocates, and over 30 volunteers covering 2 counties with 24-hour support. Many of the folks who work with SARCC have their own personal connections to our mission. This means that they, or someone they care about, was impacted by sexual violence. It’s not just professional interest that keeps people connected to our mission.

SARCC continues to live our mission because it matters. It’s a privilege to move with survivors through their healing journey. It’s a deep investment of trust and compassion to hold these stories. Working to prevent future violence takes courage and persistence. Today, we pause to share SARCCitude with the survivors we work with and the staff and volunteers who share their time, talents, and resources to live out our mission. Thank you for being a part of this work.