Resource of the Week: How to prioritize self care during the holidays
At SARCC we are often asked if the holidays are a busy time of year for sexual assault healing work. There are many things about the holiday season that can be difficult for anyone, including folks healing from sexual abuse or assault. Sometimes, extra time with family members can bring up challenging memories. Some folks face a feeling of loneliness or holiday blues. Others find that this time of year offers opportunities to connect and enjoy warm memories. Everyone is different, and for many of us and the survivors we work with at SARCC, all things can be true at once.
Whether someone is struggling or simply wants to set an annual time to reflect and Check-in on past healing work, reaching out to SARCC is always an option. We keep our hotlines running 24 hours. Survivors can connect with a past counselor to touch base, or schedule a time to talk with someone new. Our needs change over time, just like we do!
Today’s Resource of the Week shares some tips for practicing self care during the holiday season. Ideas like setting boundaries and knowing your limits, finding ways to be warm and comfortable, and doing some pre-work to understand your triggers can be helpful for anyone. Remember, you can reach a counselor all year at 570-268-2965 or 717-272-5308.