We are just 8 weeks away from one of the biggest social events on the SARCC calendar. Monte Carlo: Spooky Season will strike on Friday March 28. Do you Dare to join us for a night of table games with celebrity dealers, live and silent auctions, and a spooky good time?

Each ticket purchase, each sponsorship, and each auction item donation help us to build the life-changing supportive services that we offer at SARCC every year. Without the support of our attendees, volunteers, sponsors, and donors as SARCC would not be able to make 24 hour support service as possible in our community.
For a limited time, early Raven tickets are on sale for $85 apiece. By the end of February, the cost will increase to $110 per ticket. Now is the time to act to enjoy all of the thrills that Monte Carlo spooky season has to offer.