SARCC Weekly Wrap Up

Resource Of the Week: Home | Trauma-informed Design Society ( Talking Point of the Week: An increasing trend in the world of interior and exterior design is the idea that […]

Resource Of the Week: Home | Trauma-informed Design Society (

Talking Point of the Week: An increasing trend in the world of interior and exterior design is the idea that spaces should serve as a comfort, rather than as increases to our anxiety/stress/or even our trauma response.

“The spaces in which we live and receive services can communicate safety and promote supportive relationships, or they can symbolize lack of dignity and agency, encouraging re-traumatization.  Trauma-informed design is about integrating the principles of trauma-informed care, as originally established by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and continually evolving, into design.  The goal is to create physical spaces that promote safety, well-being, and healing.”

In our offices, we try to make the spaces welcoming, modern, and accessible. If you walk around either office, you will see survivor artwork, clothesline t-shirts, and social emotional grounding tools posted. We also try to keep a minimal but warm color scheme and lay-out so that visitors are not overwhelmed by our space. Physical accessibility and mobility are part of the office designs as well.

While we believe that our client facing spaces take these principles into consideration, what ideas do you have for how our offices could reflect these principles?

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