
Sexual violence hurts our whole community and can affect people of all ages, genders, and sexual orientations. Anyone can experience or perpetrate sexual violence. In addition, a perpetrator is usually someone the victim knows personally, such as a family member, friend, intimate partner, or coworker. With this in mind, how can measures of prevention be put into place?

Both adults and children can learn skills to prevent violence and abuse. Some of these skills include promoting social norms that protect against violence, teaching safe, healthy, and consensual dating skills, and creating protective school and work environments. Prevention methods also occur with proper sexual violence education and learning to stand up for others.

Requesting a program or training for your workplace, school, church, or community group is a great way to get started. For example, our programs teach you how to prevent child sexual abuse, human trafficking, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. We will also work with you on an individualized program to suit any specific needs of your community.


Human Trafficking Prevention & Response

Survivors of trafficking have options for housing, medical care, and legal reporting. Our staff can discuss options. We also offer trainings in the community. Request a training today.

Parents in the know

Parents and caregivers who do our a Parents in the Know Program will learn skills to prevent child sexual abuse.



Family making breakfast together

Healthy Relationships Project

Healthy Relationships Project helps kids and teens build skills for preventing violence. Each program has info for teachers and parents.

Students learning in a classroom

Sexual Harassment Prevention & Training

Schools, workplaces, and neighborhoods can all take action to prevent sexual harassment.

Group of people sitting around a conference table

Mandated Reporter Training

Know what to do if you suspect abuse. Be the caring adult that makes a difference for a child. Request a certified trainer for your group today.

Education / Awareness

Our staff are available to provide one-time programs to community groups. It’s our goal to help our community understand sexual violence and how to respond.

Group of people sitting around a conference table


SARCC provides trainings for both adults and teens on understanding oppression and becoming a #Changemaker in our community.
