The new year is a time for taking stock and goal setting. Even though it’s important to remember that you can set new goals or starting new healthy habits at any time, now is a popular time to think about these things survivors of sexual assault, abuse, and harassment, often struggle to get started in the healing journey for overcome struggle points during the process. Let’s take a few moments to discuss strategies for healthy goal setting as we start the new year.
But wait! If gold setting feels impossible, know that this too can be a symptom of a trauma response. If setting goals and then procrastinating to achieve them sounds like your experience, know that this is a common symptom of a regulated nervous system. Most goal-setting experts will remind you that good habits start with setting yourself up for success. Starting small and setting realistic and attainable goals is nothing to stop it. Plus, for each tiny goal you accomplish your brain gets a special hit of dopamine making you feel great!
Next, habit l building specialists recommend stacking your habit with another thing that you do every day. Do you struggle to say affirmations to yourself? Try doing it while you brush your teeth instead. Do you walk your kids to the bus? Stop every day? Try adding a walk around the block as they depart to get a little bit of quiet outdoor time and a little bit of exercise. The habits, you stack don’t have to be big and they don’t have to take a long time.
Know that there will be days where you miss your goals. That’s normal and it’s human. Be kind to yourself and congratulate yourself for doing what you needed to do in that moment. Remind yourself that you can stack your habit the next time around. You are more likely to want to walk around the block with someone who is kind. Be kind to yourself.
Are you interested in talking to someone about your goal setting for healing? Our advocates and therapist are great at helping with this! Check it out and a judgment pre-environment and know that you are worth it.